MEWF – Ministry of the Environment, Waters and Forests from Romania

Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests from Romania is the national authority responsible for elaborating policy and strategy in the environment, waters, and forests field. It is engaged in protection and conservation of water and terrestrial biodiversity, and climate changes. It also elaborates the policy and strategy for the protection of Danube River and the Black Sea.
The MEWF obligations under International Convention as International Convention for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and Convention on the Black Sea protection against pollution (Bucharest Convention). The Ministry of the Environment, Waters and Forests shall ensure inter-ministerial coordination of the implementation of measures for the protection and conservation of the Danube basin sturgeon developed in the framework of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region as well as of the Preservation of Sturgeon Action Plan, as a member of the national implementation structure, developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a national coordinator.