Lower Danube


Natura 2000 Site of Community Importance (SCI); Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in Bulgaria.

Pilot Locations

Maluk Preslavets marsh
Garvanski marshes
Managed Reserve Srebarna

Sibling Locations

Ropotamo complex
Atanasovsko Lake
Mostistea Lake


  • Insufficient research, ecological management and monitoring capacities, which results in lack of data on the initial ecological conditions.
  • Anthropogenic pressures and environmental interventions, which significantly decreased the size of the wetlands and negatively affected the area’s biodiversity.
  • Insufficient funding for maintenance and upgrading of the hydrotechnical equipment.
  • Conversion of the wetlands into arable land.
  • Insufficient involvement of the local communities in activities and trainings for nature protection and revitalization.
    Insufficient efforts (on national level) for floodplain’ restoration based on their importance for the economic life and the society as a whole.
  • Necessity of finding out climate neutral and intelligent scientific, societal and technological solutions for floodplain restoration.

Innovative Solutions

Intelligent freshwater monitoring and management for floodplain a biodiversity restoration with open interfaces for data exchange
Development and deployment of a mobile multiparameter measuring station and river research drone for water quality assessment at marches and remote places
Modelling the terrain of inland canals

Piloting tidal power generator to the restoration activities

Pilot deployment of an automated operation of locks and integration in intelligent freshwater monitoring and management system